

Objective:To fetch details of all Modules for all Plants/Sites with various filters to have data in a pictorial representation format.

Image 1

  1. It shows different chart for Timeline (Months) vs Observations, Category vs Observations, Timeline (Months) vs Action Item, Plant/site vs Action Item, EHS Activity vs Action Item, Priority vs Action Items, Plant/Site vs Injury, Body Part wise Injury, Location wise Incident.
  2. There are three dots which are clickable with options as Maximize, Export to png, Export to excel, Apply Filters, Remove Widget.
  3. Filters have option such as Chart Type, Segregation, Plant/Site, Timeline, Department, Module Type, Task Priority, Status, Segregation Filter.
  4. Chart type (Column, Table), Segregation type(Timeline wise(Monthly), Plant/Site wise, Priority Wise), Timeline (Last 7 days, last 15 days, Last 30 days, Last 2 months etc).
  5. Segregation Filter (Open, In progress, Close)