Objective:To fetch details of all Modules for all Plants/Sites with various filters to have data in a pictorial representation format.
Image 1
- It shows different chart for Timeline (Months) vs Observations, Category vs Observations, Timeline (Months) vs Action Item, Plant/site vs Action Item, EHS Activity vs Action Item, Priority vs Action Items, Plant/Site vs Injury, Body Part wise Injury, Location wise Incident.
- There are three dots which are clickable with options as Maximize, Export to png, Export to excel, Apply Filters, Remove Widget.
- Filters have option such as Chart Type, Segregation, Plant/Site, Timeline, Department, Module Type, Task Priority, Status, Segregation Filter.
- Chart type (Column, Table), Segregation type(Timeline wise(Monthly), Plant/Site wise, Priority Wise), Timeline (Last 7 days, last 15 days, Last 30 days, Last 2 months etc).
- Segregation Filter (Open, In progress, Close)