Site Inspection


Objective:It allows user to report Site Inspection and take action against it if assigned to him/her in the system.

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  1. Login as any system user and navigate to Site Inspection | Conduct Site Inspection screen.
  2. To initiate or report or Site Inspection provide required details in the enabled fields
    1. Plant - Select the Plant in which Site Inspection need to be reported.
    2. Category - Based on selection of type of Site Inspection Category (HSSE Inspection, Mock Drill or Safe Work Observation) checklist will be populated.
    3. Document Number- Based on category selection, document number will be auto populated as configured in the system.
    4. Location - Select the Location, where Site Inspection need to be conducted.
    5. Exact Location - Provide Exact location for Site Inspection.
    6. Inspection Date - By default, current date will be the Inspection date
      1. System allows user to select past date and current date only. Doesn’t allows to select future date.
      2. If you want to clear the selected random date, click on “clear” button or “Today “ button to clear field or select current date respectively.
    7. On Behalf Of - Can be matched names of the observer on entering first 3 letters.
    8. Applicable for Contractor- Select Yes of applicable and No if not applicable.
    9. Overall Comments - provide comments or remarks.
  3. Site Inspection Checklist List - Based on the type of Inspection , select the required Category to display checklist.
    1. Site Inspection category and check list can be configured by admin.
    2. When “Satisfactory” or “Poor” is selected, action taken(select), comments and CAPA (Action Item) is mandatory.
      1. CAPA can be assigned on multiple category individually.
      Once record is saved, action item will show or get notified on responsible persons “For Your Action”.
  4. Attachments - System allows user to upload any document file or photos etc.. if required.
    1. Minimum 6 and Maximum 10 files can be uploaded.
  5. Click on “Submit” button to Submit the Site Inspection.
    1. If user need to make any changes after some confirmations can save the record as “Save as draft” and confirm/save the Site Inspection later.
  6. After saving the record, System generates the unique report number for the Site Inspection reported
    1. Report No Format - 7017/HSSEI/2023/0009 (Plant_Code/Site_Inspection_Category/Year/Serial No)

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.