HSSE Event


Objective:To report occurrence of any HSSE Event within the Plant during day-to-day activity. It allows user to report, review and approve/reject HSSE Event using the system.

Below steps to be followed to complete an HSSE Event report:

  1. Report HSSE Event:To create/report new HSSE Event.Any employee working on the Plant, who has access to the system (Power user OR Public user) can report an HSSE Event.
  2. Review Reported HSSE Event:The reported HSSE Event will be sent to Site Head for review. If the Severity is selected as Low, CAPA will be assigned and HSSE Event will be closed.
    • When Contact type is selected as “Incident with contact”the reported HSSE Event will be reviewed by Site Head. The reviewer may send the report for investigation or can discard the report or may send back the report for modification. Any user can be selected as Investigation Team member.
  3. HSSE Event Investigation:Investigation will be conducted by any user who is selected as investigation Team member. Once the investigation is completed, it will be sent to Site Head for review.
  4. Review HSSE Event Investigation:Site Head will review the investigation report and assign action item or send back for correction. Action Item will be generated if the HSSE Event investigation report is approved and closed.

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  1. Go to HSSE Event | Report HSSE Event .
  2. Enter Title which is unique for each reported HSSE Event.
  3. Select Plant, Area, Location, Exact Location, Agency, Event Date, Event Time, Contact Type, Severity, Event Type, Potential Impact to, Type of Energy and fill the other required details.
  4. If Contact Type selected as ‘Incident with Contact’, Potential Impact as ‘Worker Safety’ or ‘Member of the public’ then 2 new fields are populated on form. They are ‘Type of Injury’ as a drop-down & ‘Body part’ as multi selection checkbox.
  5. Description of what happened and Immediate Action Taken with Preventive Action details can be recorded by entering details respectively.
  6. Reported by will be auto fetched and will be same as Login user in disabled form.
  7. Witness 1 & Witness 2 can be added by entering first 3 letters of employee.
  8. Reporter can attach files by clicking on Attach button.There is a file size limit of 20MB for attachments. and a maximum number of file attachments to be uploaded is 3. Attachment files extension that are allowed are “.JPEG, .PNG, .BMP, .XLS, .XLSX, .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, .PDF, .mp3, .mp4, and .m4a”)
  9. Click “Submit” button to save the data and send for review to Site Head.


  • HSSE Event can be reported by any employee working in the plant and has access to the system.
  • The reported HSSE Event can be seen in My Action | For Your Information tab.
  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Auto-email will be triggered once HSSE Event is reported.